和津後皿 鴨座ランド

(かもざらんど) この世は、和津後皿 鴨座ランドだね!


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こども(3歳~高校生) 0円
シルバー(60歳以上) 0円


  1. I’m looking forward to visiting Kamoza Land! I live in Philadelphia, PA, in the USA. I took out a loan so that I could go to Japan and visit Rihoriho’s themepark! I’m very excited, I love Momusu!

    I hope Masa-chan is there, she’s my favorite.

    1. Thanks, Duan.
      I wonder how engrish speakers feel when listen to Riho-riho ‘s pronounce “What goes around comes around”. Isn’t it curious? But I am grad you enjoy this kind of NETA.

      1. When she says “What goes around comes around”, to a native English speaker like me, it’s really not clear at all >_<. I'm used to hearing bad English, but even to me it sounds more like "Kamoza Land" than "comes around". I prefer Kamoza Land anyway!

        But Riho-riho is still adorable!

  2. The first time when I heard this line from her I was so curious what it was.. And was even more curious when I finnaly saw the lyrics that how did she made it XDD.

    Well, Thanks for building this wonderful site and it’s very interesing!

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